This novel is only available in french. Only the presentation page is translated

frSee french version.
Offical cover
Following the discovery of the body of a young woman in a wood, James and Dolores will have to face a bereaved family during an emotionally difficult investigation. On a more personal level, will James agree to give himself up and start a new life?

This short story is the first in the Moïja series devoted to the adventures of Dolores and Jimmy, two characters from the first period of the Memoirs of a "Veillorz" cycle, which can be found in the first two volumes and in several short stories.
Warning: adult book, informed and open-minded public
Investigation, murder, transidentity, family, abuse, cooperation, infiltration, love, homosexuality, extra-terrestrials.

Informations techniques

Paper edition

Prix : 17€ + frais de port
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Prix : 4.99€

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