Betrayals - Memoirs of a Veillorz - Episode 2

This novel is only available in french. Only the presentation page is translated

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Offical cover
"You often say it, mom, we too have chosen our path, like dad and you" Bicelmos Cooper, Betrayals, Memoirs of a "Veillorz", Volume 2. Who successively kidnaps Jack then Alex? Why is Solène forced to observe her husband's tragic past? Will the younger generation be able to help the "Veillorz" by discovering the dark secret of Eyríkur? Solène will have to navigate between past, present and future, without ever derogating from the first rule of the "Veillorz": Never interfere with the past.

Second volume of the main series of Memoirs of a "Veillorz". During a harmless mission, Jack disappears under the eyes of his wife and Alex. After being forced to observe her husband's tragic past, Solène returns to Earth where she is wasting away a little more each day. Jack reappears the night of his birthday, but it is Alex who then disappears... Who is determined to destroy Solène's mental health and above all why? Will the Cooper children accept their parents' decisions and their implications? The Veillorz' quest for truth will reveal betrayals and dark secrets. Will the younger generation be able to help and support them? You will discover through this story some notions of the common language: the "Ræðusamos", like the origin of the word "Veillorz" which, even if it looks like the French word, does not have the same meaning or the same pronunciation. Amnesia, memories, hidden truths, traitors, mass graves, space-time journeys, genetic modifications, moral and physical marital violence, eroticism.
Informed and adult public.

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Paper edition

Prix : 20€
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Return of reading (in french)

A first version was published by Atramenta in February 2019 (No longer for sale)