Review 2022, January

Written by Lou Morens no comments
That's it, LISAAE Éditions & Services has been born. There are still a few details to put in place to be able to open the online store, but the structure exists. The first novel was published very recently.
The paper version has been available since last Thursday and the ebook version since Sunday evening. Both will soon be referenced in the online bookstore and for the paper version, it will also be available in bookstores soon.

I realize while writing this post that I did not publish one for the release of Lathouor. I only sent the newsletter with the small gift reserved for subscribers. Whoops. Here is the information on Lathouor - The book of exile. I will make a dedicated post in a few days with more information and illustrations.

For those who haven't seen it yet, here is the trailer

It is possible to order it directly from the Bookelis bookstore.

To come back to the review, I made progress on the animated film. For the moment, the first half is created, illustrations and texts, to validate the scenario. The first illustrations/animations are being worked on to achieve them in higher resolutions (textures, etc.). The second half is being illustrated. As soon as I have made progress on these, I will apply the texts to validate the second part of the scenario. I plan to publish specific posts on social networks to show the progress of this work.

The visual novel is on stand-by, but moving forward on the illustrations of the film allows me to also move forward on those of the new visual. So it's not a big delay. I don't know yet if I'm going to take advantage of the march challenge, which looks like the nanowrimo, but for the visual news, to move forward on this one. The principle is simple, we have one month to create the illustrations and the code of the game. This allows us to progress well on at least part of it with group motivation, as for the nanowrimo.

I thought I could publish the second episode of the spin-off Lunimeran in January, but the delay in the creation of the ME, forces me to delay its publication. It will therefore be for February.

I removed the first volumes of the cycle of the sale to republish them with the ME. I reworked volume 1 a lot which did not suit me on the writing style of the first part in any case. I added details and removed passages that weighed down the text, in my opinion. I just received the return of my concealer. Thanks to Olivier Delcroix. I have to reread volume 2 to send him, as well as volume 3. Before that, there will be the first episode of Lunimeran and probably that of the second spin-off: Moïja.

I haven't made much progress on the writings strictly speaking, even if I reread them before going to bed and if I correct a few scenes or add a few details, especially on the third period of the cycle as well as on the first episodes of Moïja and those of Lunimeran.

The month of February should be calmer on the paperwork side and therefore give me more time to move forward on my projects. I will also set up a series of posts on the progress of the various projects.

Here are some small illustrations made this month for various projects, always with Blender only. I have a passion for mountainous landscapes these days ;-)      

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À très bientôt.

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